A surgical facelift is no longer the only option for re-draping and re-contouring a face. Apart from the use of Botulinum Toxin to relax hyperactive muscles and subsequently treat dynamic wrinkles, as well as dermal fillers for the recuperation of lost volume, thread lifts are another important technique that is gaining in acceptance and efficacy.
Also known as suture lifts or 'lunchtime' facelift, thread lifts involve the use of threads or sutures made from the same materials used in surgery for many years now to treat open wounds. When placed under the skin, they can be used to stretch and regain the lost volume in areas of the skin that are sagging, by assisting and guiding local collagenesis and elastin production.
Introduction in Guided Collagenesis:
Introduction in Mesotherapy:
Treatment protocols and installation techniques for:
Business of Threads and Mesotherapy
Participants are certified by FERA Greece
Course duration : 2 days
What is included : PDO threads-Mesotherapy training manual , 25 threads (simple & spiral) per participant, breakfast and lunch for 2 days.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us at info@feragreece.com